WordPress plugin to add social media sharing and link buttons to posts and widget areas. Easy to use, lightweight and includes craft-related icons and icon themes.
This plugin grew out of a personal project - a personal blog I was working on that would showcase crochet patterns and finished crochet work. I wanted to include buttons to share with common social services, but also to share with the Knit and Crochet community Ravelry. In addition, I wanted to link to my profiles on Ravelry and Etsy. There are many social sharing button plugins, but I didn't find any that worked as I wanted and that could be extended to include this service. Many produced bloated or invalid HTML code or weren't configurable, so I decided to roll my own.
I decided to create the buttons as a separate plugin so that I could reuse it in other sites if I wish. I used several icons sets that are publicly available, and created a couple of my own with a 'sewn' look. After creating the plugin, I thought that others would find it useful and decided to make it publicly available for others to use in their sites. The plugin is available at:
- Github: https://github.com/sarahhenderson/Crafty-Social-Buttons
- Plugin Documentation site: http://sarahhenderson.github.io/Crafty-Social-Buttons/
- WordPress Plugin Repository: http://sarahhenderson.github.io/Crafty-Social-Buttons/
Share buttons in post

Link buttons in footer

Admin screen - Share buttons

Admin screen - Link buttons

The plugin is still live in the WordPress plugin respository and has over 5000 active installations.